Wednesday, April 7, 2021

To Catch a Predator - The KitKat Predator

Here comes “needafriendtotalkto2005.” He drove 4 hours to get here. “Needafriendtotalkto” is really 25-year-old John Adam Daniels, a carpenter. He thinks he’s here to meet a 13-year-old virgin named Nina. Online, he asks her if she wants to try anal sex and if he can perform oral sex on her. After the decoy agrees, she tells him she’s home alone and he asks to spend the night. It even seems as if he brought an overnight bag. Decoy: Sorry I had to do laundry right away. I had to have something cute to wear tonight. did you try some of my sweet tea. Sorry I’m a little stunned. Did you bring me anything? John Adam Daniels: Yes I did. Decoy: What’d you bring me? Daniels: A drink and some KitKat Hansen: Looks like you brought enough stuff to move in. Why don’t you have a seat. And like some of the others, “needafriendtotalkto” appears to know what he’s walked into. Daniels: Am I being taped? Hansen: You are being taped. Daniels: Oh, crap. Am I gonna be—get arrested? Hansen: That’s not up to me. You admit right here that you could be in trouble if anybody found out that a 25 year old— Daniels: Yes, sir. I thought it was a bad idea too from the beginning sir. Hansen: But, if you thought it was such a bad idea why did you do it anyhow? Daniels: I’m sorry. Hansen: You started talking and 45 minutes into the conversation you say; Have you ever seen a man’s blank. Daniels: Yes, yes sir. I’m sorry, sir. Hansen: You ask what size bra she wears. Minutes later you ask if she would like to move in with you. Daniels: Yes, sir. Hansen: What are you thinking here? Daniels: I’m stupid. I’m completely, totally stupid. I’m sorry. Can I leave sir? Just like all the men who show up at our house, he’s free to leave. Since he’s seen our reports before, he probably knows he won’t be free for long and there’s no where to run.

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